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rs ARMITAGE (Question) - My question is to the leader. With reference to this morning's answers that were tabled with regard to the $1.4 billion infrastructure projects for the state, thus not providing me with an opportunity for a supplementary question, I again ask, question 1(b). How much of this funding will be allocated to the north of the state and particularly Launceston ? This morning's answer was that $180 million out of the $1.4 billion has been set aside with forward Estimates to be spent in the north of the state. The answers continued: this includes a mix of funding for one-off specific projects such as heavy vehicle bridge strengthening on the Esk and Railton main roads, North-East freight roads, Port Sorell main road, Bell Bay Intermodal and Murchison Highway. Some of those are drawing a bit of a long bow with regard to Launceston. At the present time the north/north-east region comprises approximately 28 per cent of Tasmania's population. I am questioning whether the north/north-east Tasmanian region gets anywhere near the share that it should be receiving on the basis of its proportion of state population. The downstream economic impacts, following major enabling government infrastructure investment, should not be underestimated and regions that miss out on their fair share will be playing catch-up economically and therefore socially, for decades to come. Purely based on figures there appears to be a massive imbalance in these funds being distributed. I would appreciate an answer to question 1(b) regarding infrastructure funding to specifically the north and more particularly Launceston. Mr FARRELL - Mr President, I will have to take that question on notice and endeavour to give an answer to the honourable member in a timely fashion.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Follow-up Question & Answer


Mrs ARMITAGE (Question) - My question is to the honourable leader. The 2013-14 budget forward estimates indicate an investment of $1.4 billion in infrastructure projects. How will this funding allocation be distributed across Tasmania and how much of this funding will be allocated to the north of the state and, particularly, Launceston ? Mr FARRELL - Mr President, I thank the honourable member for her question again. As previously advised, of the $1.4 billion in funding for infrastructure projects allocated across nine different general government sector agencies, $400 million has been allocated to the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources. With regard to the $400 million allocated to the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, at this stage there are no projects in the state government forward estimates set aside specifically for Launceston. The state road network comprises approximately 3 600 kilometres of various classes of road and is managed by the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources to achieve its strategic transport objectives. Decisions about management of the network are made on an holistic basis that considers level of service, whole-of-life costs and value for money. The network is maintained in accordance with prescribed maintenance levels to ensure that roads provide acceptable levels of safety. With this in mind, the state road network in the general area of Launceston will receive funding over the forward estimates but the value of this at this point in time cannot be expressed in a clear dollar value based on the above considerations. Infrastructure development projects for the northern area of Tasmania under the roads program include upgrade of the north-east freight roads, the Bell Bay intermodal terminal, the Bell Bay main road and the West Tamar Highway between Waldhorn Drive and Bradys Lookout. It should also be noted that the 2013-14 federal budget included $2 million for the Midland Highway Launceston Bypass planning with the funding for this project to flow from 2014-15. Information regarding the infrastructure investment projects for the eight other general government sector agencies is available in Treasury budget paper 1, table 7.2. I seek leave to table this information and have table 7.2 incorporated into Hansard for members' information and reference. Leave granted. The document read as follows: Table 7.2: Infrastructure Investment Project Details by Agency Royal Hobart Hospital Redevelopment Funding

Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources

Department of Justice

Department of Premier and Cabinet

Department of Primary and Industries, Parks, Water and Environment


Notes: 1 This table does not include expenditure from the Water Infrastructure Fund, as expenditure from the fund is in the form of grants or equity injections outside of the general government sector. 2. This project is fully funded by the Australian Government. 3. The funding for the George Town Child and Family Centre was previously allocated as part of the Child and Family Centre (CFC) project to construct 11 CFCs around Tasmania. The CFC project ran between 2009-13 with a final total project allocation of $31.1 million. 4. This project is funded by both the state and Australian Government. More details are provided in the relevant agency chapter in Budget Paper No. 2 Government Services. 5. Total funding for the Flinders Island Multipurpose Centre upgrade is $6.2 million and includes an additional $200 000 contribution from THO-North. 6. Total funding for the Launceston Integrated Care Centre (ICC) is $22.5 million, consisting of $15 million from the Capital Investment Program, $4.5 million from the University of Tasmania and $3 million from the Infrastructure Tasmania Fund. 7. Total funding for statewide cancer services is $63 million, consisting of $36.3 million from the Australian Government, $23.9 million from the state government and donated contributions of $1.6 million from the Elphinstone Group Companies, $600 000 from the Menzies Centre and $600 000 from the Cancer Council. Mr FARRELL - I note certain infrastructure investment projects in the Launceston area as detailed in table 7.2, including Brooks High School, Kings Meadows High School, Ravenswood Community Health Centre, Launceston General Hospital, the Acute Medical and Surgical Service Unit and the Launceston Integrated Care Centre.

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