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Mrs ARMITAGE (Launceston) - I, too, will be brief. First, I offer my best wishes to the honourable member for Huon. The saddest part is that I am quite sure he will not be in our Chamber next year, because if he stands for election in the other place, he will have no problem being elected. It will be quite sad not having you here because I think you make wonderful contributions. When you are not sure which way to vote on a bill and you listen to Paul's argument, he always puts it very well and can often convince you to go a certain way.

Mrs Taylor - Despite the fact that he may or may not vote the same way that you think.

Mrs ARMITAGE - That does not matter, he prosecutes a very good argument and often puts it there so you can really understand some of the more confusing bills.

Also our best wishes to the honourable member for Rosevears on his dry year, which will mean you will be really out there to campaign. You will have your mind on the job.

Mr Finch - As distinct from this year.

Mrs ARMITAGE - It is probably a good thing, but just keep off those sugar drinks.

I wish everyone in the Chamber a really good year and all the staff and all the members and the Clerks because I know they have to put up with us. Poor old David, sometimes he gets some curly ones, and Nigel.

Also to our illustrious leader up the top there, Jim, to our President, who does a wonderful job keeping us in check when we do the wrong thing and stand at the wrong time and cannot quite remember what we are doing as the hour gets late. I wish you and your family a great Christmas.

To our Leader of the House, to Craig, I know it is very hard for you and I am sure everybody feels the same way that we really feel for you, because we know that it is not always your wish to be pushing us, but it is the direction you have to take and you do it really well. We really appreciate the fact that even when you do something that we are not all that happy about, we know that it is the direction that you have been given and that you have to follow. That is your party and that is fair enough. Everybody is grateful for the way that you do do it and try to help the members out.

I would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I know we will be seeing you back at GBE time, but have a safe trip home tomorrow. Everyone have a great Christmas.

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