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Department of Treasury and Finance Revised Estimates Report 2014-15 - Tasmanian Health Organisation

Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government -

With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance Revised Estimates Report 2014-2015 (including December Quarterly Report) page 29 - Tasmanian Health Organisation Expenditure -

Increasing costs associated with the provision of health services continue to represent a significant risk to the Budget.

The implementation of savings measures in this environment is also a challenge and is particularly important to ensure that these services are able to be delivered on a sustainable basis.

The establishment by the Government of a single statewide health service on 1 July 2015 will be a significant factor in the future management and delivery of sustainable health services in Tasmania -

Can the Government explain why one THS will be a significant factor in managing this additional risk, and what plans they have should this not occur in 2015-2016?

Answer from Leader of the Government, Dr Vanessa Goodwin:

Evidence to date indicates that having three separate Tasmanian Health Organisations (THOs) has resulted in suboptimal outcomes, due to duplication of resources and a lack of collaboration between the THOs, which both inhibits our ability to sustainably provide the range and volume of health services that Tasmanians need.

From 1 July 2015, we will move to a single statewide Tasmanian Health Service. This is a vital step in creating a seamless health service without wasteful duplications in the system. This will allow more of our health funds to be used for better patient outcomes. This will include reduced administration as well as careful planning and delivery of clinical services.

These changes will deliver improved safety and quality of services, greater efficiency so that we can provide more services to the community with the resources that are available to us”.

Answer provided Thursday May 28, 2015

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