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Clinical Services under the Tasmanian Health Service

Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable Leader of Government -

(1) Given the consultation and planning undertaken to create the one Tasmanian Health Service, and noting the direction contained in the White Paper, can the Government advise -

1. (a) Have new or expanded clinical services been established in the Northern area; and

1. (b) if not, when will they be established?

2. (a) Will these services address the increase in demand, access block and high occupancy levels?

2. (b) if not, what plans are in place to improve the situation and when will they be implemented?

Answer from the Honourable Leader of Government in the Legislative Council, Dr Vanessa Goodwin

1 (a) The Tasmanian Health Service (THS) released the Implementation Plan for the White Paper on Delivering Safe and Sustainable Clinical Services on 23 September 2015.

The Implementation Plan details a range of improvements to clinical services across Tasmania, including:

- Implementation of the Northern Integrated Cancer

- Service to provide better oncology and radiation therapy to North and North West patients

- Implementation of the Northern Integrated Surgical Service

- Increased elective surgery at the Mersey through the new dedicated elective surgery centre

- Increased outreach services from the Launceston General Hospital to support patients across the North and North West

- Targeted improvements in the use of telehealth services to support patients by not having to travel for some services allowing them to remain closer to home, and

- Improved coordination of statewide trauma services.

There will be a number of specific service improvements at the Launceston General Hospital, including increased provision of services in areas including:

- Urology

- Endocrinology

- Respiratory Medicine

- Rheumatology

- Children and Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health

- Geriatric Medicine and

- Neurology

These services will benefit not only residents of Northern Tasmania, but embed the LGH as the principal referral hospital for the North and North West, playing a greater role in providing specialist services to the people of the North West

1 (b) The timeline for the introduction of new and/or expanded clinical services is detailed in the Implementation Plan, available online at http://www.

2 (a) The new and enhanced services will help to address clinical demand and allow Tasmanians to access better, higher quality service across a range of specialities.

No changes will be made until the skills and capacity are in place at each facility to ensure delivery of safe and high quality services.

2 (b) Not applicable, given answer to 2(a).

Question answered November 11, 2015.

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