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Land Titles Amendment Bill 2022 (No 50)

Wednesday 24 May 2023

[6.15 p.m.]

Ms ARMITAGE (Launceston) - Mr President, I thank the Leader for her contributions on the bill.  I will make my own short contribution on the important changes the bill will make. 


One of the most important changes this legislation intends to make is the improvement of the integrity of Tasmania's current paper-based conveyancing processes and the introduction of requirements based on those used in the National Electronic Conveyancing System.  The greater use of electronic systems not only will bring us up to a similar level as in other jurisdictions, but will help to reduce inefficiencies and ambiguities, which can currently exist with the paper-based methods of producing and lodging documents in the conveyancing context. 


Most people would agree that the reduction in opportunities for errors to be made is a good thing, especially where things like land are concerned.  Pieces of land are inherently unique items, and when we are dealing with their possession, their sale and their purchase, having absolute clarity over all the conditions surrounding the dealing of land is, to my mind, of utmost importance.  It will likely have the effect of a reduction in a number of legal disputes over sales and transfers.


In addition to the above, I ask the Leader questions which have already been asked in the other place, but which are important to have on the record here. 


The first is, when is it anticipated these changes will be fully implemented and functional in Tasmania?


The second is, what arrangements are in place to ensure the integrity and the safety of these electronic documents and lodgements, for example, from cyber-hacking or alteration?


Ms Rattray - We know that has not gone well in recent times.


Ms ARMITAGE - Particularly with electronic, the alteration is very important as well.


Finally, I ask if there is any plan for a review of the effectiveness of these changes at any point in the medium or longer term future? 


I thank the Leader for bring on the bill.  I support it, but would be interested in the answers.



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