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Mental Health Amendment Bill 2022 (No 56)

Wednesday 29 March 2023

[5.04 p.m.]

Ms ARMITAGE (Launceston) - Mr President, I will make a brief comment.  I was very pleased to read the second reading speech, which delivers on the planned six-year review, because it does relate to some of the most vulnerable people in our community, as we appreciate.  It is important to ensure that Tasmania's mental health legislation remains contemporary and fit for purpose with a strong focus - as was said in the second reading speech - in respecting, recognising and upholding the rights of patients.


It is detailed legislation.  I do note that it is tranche 1; tranche 2 is yet to come.  In the briefings, earlier this morning, it was talking about the parents and how difficult it is for some of the children, particularly if you cannot reach both parents to make sure that they are treated and they can get the best treatment they can.  This is particularly so if you are requiring both parents or parents who have made the necessary agreements in the beginning and that certainly is taken care of.


With regard to seclusion, I am pleased to see that the vulnerable people in our community are looked after in this bill.  The number of amendments - I appreciated the briefings.  I appreciate the second reading speech and it is an improvement.  I am pleased to see it come forward.


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