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Question - LGH ED Survey

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Question without notice

Ms ARMITAGE asked a question of the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council -

(1) (a) In the instance whereby a Queensland firm, Insync, was engaged to conduct a survey on behalf of the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department attendees earlier this year, were any Tasmanian firms considered?

(b) If not, why not?

(2) (a) As per an answer to a question without notice received on 10 November 2020, advising that Insync was sourced as a part of a quotation process by the Tasmanian Health Service, were any Tasmanian firms approached to quote for this $12 911 (excl. GST) contract?

(b) If not, why not?

(3) (a) Why has the Government indicated that the only alternative to engaging an interstate firm for this service would be ask Emergency Department staff to conduct a survey, rather than exploring the possibility of engaging a Tasmania-based service?

(b) Is this how procurement practices are approached more generally?

(4) Can Tasmanian businesses and service providers have confidence going forward that they will be considered for Tasmanian government, department and agency service provision?

(5) Will the Government guarantee that Tasmania-based businesses will be approached in the first instance for procurement of goods and services, and that all efforts will be made to work with them to provide such opportunities?

Answer incorporated as follows -

(1)(a) and (b)

All health services accredited under the National Safety and Quality Health Service - NSQHS - Standards are required to collect patient experience feedback surveys.

I am advised Insync was appointed by the Tasmanian Health Service -THS -following receipt of a quote.

Due to time limitations and the cost associated with developing a survey, the operational decision was made to directly appoint Insync, as it had undertaken previous patient experience and engagement surveys for the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department.

At the time of appointing Insync, the department was not aware of any Tasmanian firms able to undertake the work required. At the expiration of the current contract in approximately June 2021, the department intends to undertake a procurement process.

Any Tasmanian firms that have capability to undertake this work are encouraged to provide a submission to any future processes.

(2)(a) and (b)

Insync was appointed following receipt of a quote to undertake the Launceston General Hospital Emergency Department survey.

At the time of appointing Insync, the department was not aware of any Tasmanian firms able to undertake the work required. At the expiration of the current contract in approximately June 2021, the department intends to undertake another procurement process.

Any Tasmanian firms that have capability to undertake this work are encouraged to provide a submission to any future processes.

(3)(a) and (b)

It is estimated by the THS that using internal staff would have cost an estimated $30 000 to $40 000. This estimate was provided as a comparison to the current cost of $12 911. Using internal staff may have been the only available alternative due to survey results needing to be available for accreditation purposes.

Using internal staff would have met the accreditation requirements of the survey; however, these staff would have needed to be resourced from existing resources.

(4) This Government is a strong supporter of Tasmanian businesses. Any Tasmanian firms with the capability to undertake this work are encouraged to provide a submission to any future processes.

(5) The Treasurer’s Instructions establish the framework within which the Tasmanian Health Service operates for the purchase of goods and services. The Government’s procurement framework will continue to be applied for all procurement.



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