Question - Sawlogs - Harvesting by Category
Tuesday 28 March 2023
[2.40 p.m.]
My question is to the Deputy Leader:
(1) What was the volume of category 4 sawlogs of the following species, harvested in the 2021-2022 year:
(a) celery top pine;
(b) blackheart sassafras;
(c) myrtle;
(d) blackwood; and
(e) silver wattle?
(2) What was the volume of utility sawlogs of the following species harvested in the 2021‑22 year:
(a) celery top pine;
(b) blackheart sassafras;
(c) myrtle;
(d) blackwood; and
(e) silver wattle?
(3) What is the forecast volume of category 4 sawlogs of the following species to be harvested in the 2023 year:
(a) celery top pine;
(b) blackheart sassafras;
(c) myrtle;
(d) blackwood; and
(e) silver wattle?
(4) What is the forecast volume of utility sawlogs of the following species to be harvested in the 2023 year:
(a) celery top pine;
(b) blackheart sassafras;
(c) myrtle;
(d) blackwood; and
(e) silver wattle?
Mr President, I thank the member for her question.
(1) The provision of special species timbers is an operational matter for Sustainable Timber Tasmania who have provided the following advice:
(a) celery top pine, 17.1 cubic metres;
(b) blackheart sassafras, 4.7 cubic metres;
(c) myrtle, 69 cubic metres;
(d) blackwood, 5000 cubic metres; and
(e) silver wattle, 1.6 cubic metres.
Some blackwood was harvested and delivered as unsegregated log product.
(2) (a) celery top pine, 2.4 cubic metres;
(b) blackheart sassafras, 1.2 cubic metres;
(c) myrtle, 0 cubic metres;
(d) blackwood, 830 cubic metres; and
(e) silver wattle, 0 cubic metres.
(3) The forecast volume of special species timber sawlogs planned for harvesting from both arising and targeted blackwood swamps in the financial year 2022-23 is approximately 8900 cubic metres as per Sustainable Timber Tasmania's three-year wood production plan July 2022. Sustainable Timber Tasmania is approximately two-thirds of the way through this period, and to date has harvested approximately 5200 cubic metres of special species timbers.
(a) as at 16 March 2023, 21 cubic metres of category 4 celery top pine sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(b) as at 16 March 2023, no category 4 blackheart sassafras sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(c) as at 16 March 2023, no category 4 myrtle sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(d) as at the 16 March 2023, 1500 cubic metres of category 4 blackwood sawlogs have been harvested; and
(e) as at 16 March 2023, 6 cubic metres of category four silver wattle sawlogs have been harvested from arisings.
(4) The forecast volume of special species timber sawlogs planned for harvesting from both arisings and targeted blackwood swamps in financial year 2022-23, is approximately 8900 cubic metres as per Sustainable Timber Tasmania's three-year wood production plan July 2022. Sustainable Timber Tasmania is approximately two-thirds of the way through this period, and to date has harvested approximately 5200 cubic metres of special species timbers.
(a) as at 16 March 2023, 4 cubic metres of utility celery top pine sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(b) as at 16 March 2023, 1 cubic metre of utility blackheart sassafras sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(c) as at 16 March 2023, 4 cubic metres of utility myrtle sawlogs have been harvested from arisings;
(d) as at 16 March 2023, 300 cubic metres of utility blackwood sawlogs have been harvested; and
(e) as at 16 March 2023, no utility silver wattle sawlogs have been harvested from arisings.