Question without notice - Waiting list for hip replacement procedures
Tuesday 9 November 2021
[2.41 p.m.]
Further to my previous question asked about a hip replacement procedure waiting list, will the Leader please clarify:
(1) Whether the answer provided on 28 October 2021 was for actual replacement procedures or for initial or follow-up consultation prior to surgery?
(2) If not for surgical procedures, can the Leader please advise the current waiting list for the actual hip replacement surgical procedures for categories 1, 2 and 3 at the Launceston General Hospital?
Mr President, I thank the member for her question.
Reading through your question through Hansard, and I do have the answer that you have asked in Hansard, and the answer was:
In the context of the elective surgery waiting list, 'to be seen' refers to
having the procedure or the operation.
Ms Armitage - It is the same thing. The procedure and operation are the same thing. I am asking, the answer said 'to be seen'. Some patients - I have a constituent who is wanting to know when she is on the list, but she has not been seen for her initial consultation yet.
I was asking -
Mrs HISCUTT - I think 'seeking to be seen' probably means she has not had a visit or a meeting with the doctor. To be seen refers to having the procedure or operation.
Ms Forrest - As related to your answer.
Mrs HISCUTT - As related to your answer.
Ms ARMITAGE - I can read in any of the local papers that people are waiting up to three years so it is interesting to hear one year.
Mr PRESIDENT - The Leader is not on her feet.
Ms ARMITAGE - Sorry, Mr President, as a follow up, the answer given was up to one year. I had the other answer with me but it is just interesting that I am reading in the local media consistently that people are waiting up to three years.
Mrs Hiscutt - I wonder whether the member while she is on her feet, might like to discuss a real clarity about her question.
Ms ARMITAGE - I might discuss it with the secretary of the department.