Criminal Code & Related Legislation Amendment (Child Abuse) Bill 2018 (No 63)
[3.21 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE (Launceston) - Mr President, I really appreciate the briefings that were organised. I also appreciated the letter...
Health Practitioner Awareness & Education Program
[2.34 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT Leader, I seek clarification. The...
Health Practitioners - Health Issues - Mandatory Reporting
[2.31 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT Questions relating to the state of...
Taxi Costs - Wheelchair Users
[2.56 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT This question relates to fees...
Vacant Nursing Positions
[2.54 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT What is the current number of...
Colonoscopy & Endoscopy Waiting Lists
[2.53 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT With regard to answers provided on 8...
Tamar River - Silt Raking
[2.51 p.m.] Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT This question follows up a question...
Environmental Protection Agency - Sewage Spills - Tamar River
Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT [3.01 p.m.] There is a short preamble to this...
North Melbourne FC - TT Line Sponsorship
Ms ARMITAGE question to LEADER of the GOVERNMENT in the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Mrs HISCUTT [2.40 p.m.] Would the Leader please advise -...